Sunday, March 3, 2013




I had a Perfect Moment today. It wasn’t a standing ovation in front of a thousand people. It wasn’t a phone call from a publisher sharing some good news. It wasn’t a Fortune 500 company calling to book a leadership presentation or coaching engagement for their team. No, it was far more important thing that occurred in my life on this morning. And it was incredibly basic (as are the best things in life)


As I got out of my car in the parking lot of our office, I noticed an amazing fragrance in the air. It was pure beauty. So sweet and breathtaking. I looked around and saw that I’d parked under a tree overflowing with red and pink blossoms. Spring had sprung, and the tree was spreading its magic. I just stood there. Closed my eyes, entranced by the smell. And the moment. I felt grateful to be alive. Sure, I have challenges I’m dealing with (the only ones who don’t are dead). Sure, life could always be better. But happiness is all about gaining a sense of proportion and perspective. And we all have many blessings in our lives, like people who love us or work that gives our days meaning or healthy kids or simple gifts like food on the table and two eyes to see through. Like the Perfect Moment in the parking lot.


Life is so very short. Yes, it’s important to focus on excellence in our careers and arriving at splendid success, however we define it. I totally agree with that. But equally important is enjoying the ride. Laughing. Having fun. Experience adventure. And not missing out on Perfect Moments. Mostly, they are free. And they are right in front of us. Today. If only we make time to look for them.



“Sure, life could always be better. But happiness is all about gaining a sense of proportion and perspective”


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