Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stainless Character



Stainless steel – a tremendous invention. But what about a stainless character? One that is noble, aspires for mastery and never gives in moving closer to its ideals. What is within must always appear without. What I mean by that is that the quality of your inner world eventually is reflected in the quality of your outer world. Your external life can never grow bigger than your internal one. Life is really is a mirror – reflecting who we are, rather than all we want.

A person who dreams pristine dreams and who is impeccably honest, good, ethical and stands for what’s best will soon act in alignment with those values. And those actions cannot help but drive extraordinary results. Inner always creates outer. Always.

Last night I saw Spiderman 3 with Bianca. Best line in the movie was the most obvious one: “we always have a choice. We can always choose between right and wrong.” This leadership/success/greatness stuff really is pretty simple. Simple – but not easy (and excellent is all about doing what’s right versus what’s easy). The best things in life do take effort and commitment and discipline. (My friend Nido Qubein once said, “the price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret.”) And sure, it all seems so obvious. But what’s most obvious is what’s most often forgotten.

“We always have a choice. We can always choose between right and wrong”



Thursday, June 13, 2013

Own Your Greatness



Today morning I read a letter scribbled in pencil from an inmate in an American prison. He talked about how he gradually remembered that he was born to make a difference and realize his potential. He’d forgotten who he was meant to be. Because life had hurt him. A lot.

I hear this all the time. People appreciate being reminded that they are meant to play at great. That there are no extra people on the planet. That every life has a purpose. We knew these truths as kids. So we dreamed. We reached. We acted fearlessly. Lived life passionately. And stood in possibility. But we lost that wisdom – as we grew up and walked further out into world, away from our Real Nature.

Maybe self-improvement is a waste of time. Maybe self-remembering (and reconnecting to the brilliance/creativity/authenticity/greatness you once knew) is where the action is. That life has a habit of making us forget. We fall into routine. We take things for granted. We stop taking risks. We stop aiming for the mountaintop. We stop speaking truth. We play small with the gift of our lives. But we deserve better than mediocrity. Ordinary people can do remarkable things. By recalling who they truly are. And living at their best.

“People appreciate being reminded that they are meant to play at great. That there are no extra people on the planet. That every life has a purpose”


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Speak your Truth



This past weekend the kids and I returned to Halifax, Nova Scotia to celebrate friend’s fortieth wedding anniversary. I saw a car drive by with a bumper sticker that I’ll never forget. It said, “SPEAK YOUR TRUTH – EVEN WHEN YOUR VOICE SHAKES” Brilliant!

Too many people talk the good talk these days. Tons of empty promises. And hype. And lofty statements that never amount to anything. True leaders are different. They talk less and do more. I love the quiet leaders. Those silent souls who under promise and over-deliver. And when they do speak, they speak Truth. The Merchants of Wow among us understand that a person’s word is their bond. And that every promise kept builds credibility, the foundation of trust. So make the commitment to be impeccable with your word.

We really can be a leader, no matter that our titles are. In the theater they say, “no role is a small role”. And in life, no person is an insignificant one. (‘Every calling is great when greatly pursued.” Observed Oliver Wendel Holmes). Each day, at work and at home, you have an opportunity to create an impact, to make a difference and to reveal your potential. And one of the things that separates leaders from followers is that those who lead speak openly, honestly and courageously. Even when the very thought of doing so frightens them. Even when their voices shake.

“One of the things that separates leaders from followers is that those who lead speak openly, honestly and courageously”