Monday, September 19, 2011

Ask Powerful Questions

One of the fastest ways to find the solution to an issue or challenge you are facing is to ask the right question. The right question inevitably leads you to the correct answer. Questions matter. In business, remarkable performers are dazzlingly good at getting to the right question. The one that speeds them to the place they need to reach and offers them the missing piece they need to find. And in life, asking yourself a powerful question will allow you to step into a whole new set of possibilities that you may have missed while you were locked into an old way of seeing things. Like the lesson amid a so-called failure. Or the opportunity that inhabits a setback.

Here are six questions that I share with the clients with whom we do leadership development work. I suggest you write them down and then find some time today to answer them in your journal.
  • What one thing – if I did it – would profoundly improve the way I work (and how I live)?
  • What needs to happen between now and the end of the next 90 days for me to feel that this is the best quarter of my work and personal life? (remember, clarity precedes mastery)
  • Who do I need to express appreciation to? (make your list long)
  • What would I like to improve, professionally and personally?
  • What could I be grateful for that I’m currently not grateful for?
  • How do I want to be remembered at my retirement party?
And as you make this day extraordinary, I’ll leave you with one of the my favorite quotes (which comes from Mark Twain): “If everyone was satisfied with themselves, there would be no heroes”

“In businesses, remarkable performers are dazzlingly good at getting to the right question, the one that speeds them to the place they need to reach”

(these are not my thoughts J and are copied from Robin’s book)

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